For Artists:

Collaborate with us!

  1. Present to students at Stuyvesant High School
  2. Be featured as Artist of the Month on our website

Invite Stuy to your event!

  1. Be featured in our bi-monthly newsletter

Email us at for more in

For Students:

Stuyvesant Students:

Join the club on StuyActivities with this link:

There are many roles at Stuy AIP!

  1. Manage collaborations with artists
  2. Design graphics and social media posts
  3. Work with other clubs and organizations to build our audience
Other Students

Start a branch of the Art Immersion Project at your school!

Fill in the information at this link:

For NYC K-12 Faculty:

Stuyvesant Faculty

There are many ways you can help

  1. Inform students about our events
  2. Offer extra credit for attending our events
  3. Submit recommendations for artist collaborations

Email for more information at

Faculty at Other Schools

1. Start a branch at your school

  • Find at least two interested students and direct them to this site

2. Submit recommendations for artist collaborations

3. Let us know about events affiliated with your school that we can collaborate on