
Stuyvesant is known for its academic excellence and opportunities that benefit its students. The project builds on these important elements of Stuyvesant education. Besides academic excellence, the project includes guidance from art and creativity through art as skills students can apply in their lives. Our core values of creativity and open-mindedness are vital for artistic education, and access to “out of the box” demonstrations allow students to select and remember what appeals to them. To achieve this, the club has to overcome the obstacles that prevent students from accessing arts and culture: the lack of accessible art demonstrations, due to factors such as cost or location.

We want to bring guest speakers and engaging, well-curated presentations of their respective art to Stuyvesant for free. We hope to create a diverse network of students, and thus bring a diverse set of artists to Stuyvesant. This club offers an opportunity to share art and challenge preconceived notions about various art forms.

